Feb. 17. A Mecklenburg Count Sheriff’s Dept. traffic enforcement squad on Jetton Road Sunday afternoon netted speeders, and at least a little concern from Cornelius officials.
There was apparently no coordination with local police, according to Cornelius officials.

Speeders were clocked near Jetton Park where a fleet of sheriff vehicles waited to chase down violators.
The speed limit is 35 mph, but there is what amounts to a straight-away between Stableford just west of the park and Old Jetton where there have been a number of crashes.
“Our guys will speak to them and express our concern for lack of coordination,” Mayor Woody Washam said. “Unfortunately they have jurisdiction to do this.”
In the past, drivers have been cited by Cornelius Police for doing more than 80 mph on Jetton near the park, according to citation and arrest reports provided by Cornelius police to Cornelius Today. In January, two vehicles were towed away because the drivers were racing on Jetton.

Michelle Ferlauto, founder of the Lake Norman Transportation Safety Partnership, applauded “all efforts” to keep pedestrians, cyclists and other drivers safe.
“We have tragically seen what can occur when drivers are allowed to set their own speeds. It seems like a practical exercise for the benefit of the public. There really shouldn’t be any apologies issued for simply enforcing the laws,” she said. Ferlauto, who has uncovered numerous safety issues in the I-77 widening project, ran unsuccessfully for the town board in 2017.