March 4. The Town of Davidson and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission are looking for a buyer with a vision for the Louise Sloan House, a historic single-family home just south of downtown. The property is designated as part of a local historic district and is also listed as a contributing structure to the Davidson […]
March 4. By Dave Vieser. The next time you become frustrated while sitting in congestion on the Exit 28 DDI overpass, keep this in mind: according to a 10-year report compiled by the Cornelius Police, the DDI has cut accidents at the intersection by nearly half when compared with pre-DDI accident levels. Moreover, there have […]
March 4. By Dave Vieser. The Town Board agenda Monday evening featured detailed presentations by two developers but the largest number of speakers Monday evening were residents who remain opposed to a business center on Bailey Road. Developer Drew Thigpen outlined a number of reasons why he believes that his project should be approved by […]
March 3. Two different developers will present their projects in detail at tonight’s Cornelius Town Board Meeting: 1. Applicant Matt Greco seeks to amend zoning on 12.8 acres of land located on the east side of Statesville Road, north of Westmoreland Road, currently occupied by two homes. He seeks to construct approximately 48,000 square feet […]
Monday, March 3 French Film Showing – The Fast Runner (Zacharias Kunuk. 2001) 7-9 pm | March 3. Igloolik at the dawn of the first millennium, when nomadic Inuit were masters of the frozen arctic. Evil in the form of an unknown shaman divides a small community of Inuit, upsetting its balance and spirit. Twenty […]
By Dave Vieser. Cornelius requires developers to host a community meeting before a project goes to the Town Board. Normally, these meetings attract relatively small numbers of residents. Thursday was a notable exception. Developer Drew Thigpen explained the details of the scaled-down Cornelius Business Park project on Bailey Road to 125 residents at the Mt. […]
Saturday, March 1 Gamut Dance Company’s 19th Annual Showcase 7-8:30 pm | March 1. Gamut Dance Company is Davidson College’s student run dance company comprised of 24 dancers. Tickets adults, 11.40; seniors or children, $7.67. Duke Family Performance Hall, Davidson College. Mardi Gras Market Noon – 5 pm | March 1. The festive Mardi Gras Market features […]
Thursday, Feb. 27 Public Lecture: Sophia E. Kroft presents “Points of Exchange: Encountering Ancient Egypt in the 19th Century” 4:30 -6 pm | Feb. 27. Sophia Kroft talk about Napoleon Bonaparte’s encounter with ancient Egypt, heralding the beginning of Egyptology as an academic discipline. She holds a Ph.D. from the Institute of Fine Arts in […]
Feb. 27. By Dave Vieser. A six story condominium/mixed use building is being proposed for the northwest corner of Jetton Road extension and Bethel Church Road. The applicants, Adam and Iryna Jones of Cornelius, have filed the required rezoning paperwork for the project to change the zoning from Village Center to Conditional. If approved at […]