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Cornelius News

Grace Covenant reaches out with bicycles

Feb. 16. Robert and Kira Anderson, were the first two Cornelius kids to earn new bikes through the Earn-A-Bike Program offered at the Neighborhood CARE Center on Smith Circle. The GearUp Bike Shop, as well as the CARE Center, are part of the outreach of Grace Covenant Church, located on Hwy. 21 near Home Depot.

Robert and Kira completed the necessary mechanical and community service hours to earn the bike of their choice, said Michelle Hoverson, director of CARE and pastor of compassion ministries at Grace Covenant.

CARE means this:

C – Connect people in need to community resources.

A – Advance people with life skill and recovery programs.

R – Reduce pressures on single parents and families in distress.

E – Equip the next generation for success.

“As a compassion ministry of Grace Covenant Church, the Neighborhood CARE Center’s vision is to meet people where they are and help them become who God has created them to be. We will live out this vision by providing under-resourced families and youth relational-based, Christ-centered programs which strengthen the individual’s capacity and character,” Hoverson said.

The GearUp Bike Shop is open to any students ages 10-17 who want to learn mechanical skills to earn a bike for themselves or a family member. “The focus of the Bike Shop is to teach kids that God has a plan for their life, they have value and life works best when you work hard, pursue knowledge and respect others as well as yourself,” Hoverson said.

The GearUp Bike Shop is open Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm and Saturdays from 10 am to noon. The CARE Center is located at 19711 Smith Circle. More info:l 704-255-5500