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Cornelius News

Aktion takes action: Supporting JV Washam

The Aktion Club of Lake Norman, a group of committed special need adults, met with Principal Jaime Tecza  of J.V. Washam Elementary School this past week and presented him and members of his staff with school supplies that the group collected in a special school drive over the past couple of months.  Club members gathered pencils, pens, erasers, notebook and computer paper, clipboards, tablets, and spiral notebooks which can be used in the classroom. Aktion Club Advisor Steve McIlwaine encouraged the group to solicit the supplies from parents, friends, and area businesses. The club is sponsored by the Lake Norman Kiwanis Club.

Principal Tecza said it was an honor spending the evening with the young people of the Aktion Club. “The supplies collected will go to our classrooms and students who are less fortunate and will be put to good use. This will make sure all of our students have the supplies necessary for success,” he said, thanking the club.

Anyone interested in the Aktion Club should contact Bill Russell at the Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce 704-892-1922.  The club, which is composed of adults 18 years of age or older, meets on the fourth Friday of each month at the chamber, which is located at 19900 W. Catawba.