By Dave Vieser. Simonini Homes will build 22 houses with a starting price in the mid $500,000s on the vacant 5.6 acre parcel behind the Jetton Cove Harris Teeter. Specific plans for the prime parcel were outlined Tuesday night at Cornelius Town Hall.
As community meetings go, this one was quite congenial. The developer is Best Equity Ventures Organization V. The proper name of the project is Jetton Cove at Charles Towne Lane.
“Of all the plans we have seen over the years for that land, this one is by far the best,” said Dan Butterfield, who lives less than a half mile away. The 20 residents who attended the one hour session seemed to share that sentiment, though there were clearly some concerns about the traffic which will be created and the means of entering and leaving the new development.
“I’m fairly new to the community, but I’ve seen many near misses with walkers and, cyclists, let alone other motorists,” said Erika Marklew. “With cars bearing down at 45 miles per hour or more, it’s tough to make a safe turn onto Jetton Road.” Marklew said she would happy to see the speed limit lowered on that section of Jetton Road.

Architect Matt Langston explains some of the design features for the new homes at the March 31st community meeting. Curt Hathaway of Simonini Homes looks on.
Meanwhile, Hathaway explained that the layout of ingress, egress and curb cuts is usually determined by DOT, but he would be glad to take the neighbors concerns to the town as the approval process moves forward.
The same site was the subject of a different housing proposal back in 2012 for 50 townhomes, but it was withdrawn before it ever made it to the Planning Board or the Town Board due to concerns about traffic and density.
Current plans call for the two-story homes to have six or seven feet between them. The proposal will ultimately require town board approval to rezone the property and it has been tentatively scheduled to go before the town board in June.
If it is approved in June, work should begin before the end of the year, with build-out over two years’ time.
“Our work hours will be 7:30 am to 6 pm weekdays, shorter on Saturdays and none on Sundays,” Simonini land consultant Curt Hathaway said. “We are sensitive to our neighbors.”
He said he appreciated the concerns brought out by the residents at the meeting and said all suggestions will be taken under consideration.
Though the application is listed under the name Jetton Cove at Charles Towne Lane by the developer Best Equity Ventures Organization V, Simonini Homes, a familiar name in the Lake Norman area, will be handling the actual home design and construction.